Friday, July 31, 2009

So long July, see you next year.

Since it's the last day of July, I thought I should finally get around to posting my 4th of July pics. I used a long exposure and tripod to capture some fireworks we set off in the street. Afterwards I got my family to wave around sparklers in front of the camera to capture the movement of light.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Modern Day Princess

I love looking through my Fruits book at all the Japanese decora and EGL fashion. But alas, I'm in my late 20's and feel a bit too old now to pull off such fashions. They tend to be a little over the top for everyday wear anyway. I still enjoy making Harajuku inspired items though and sending them off to those who do wear them.

Casual Hime (Princess) Gal on the other hand is something I very much love and can wear. It's frilly and feminine, but a little more grown-up. I'm also going through a Marie Antoinette phase, so this style has the perfect modern day twist to that.

Here are a few Casual Hime and Marie style boards that I pulled off Polyvore:

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Masks from Under the Sea

I made these masks last term as part of my final project in ceramics class.

This first mask was inspired by coral. To keep the texture, instead of using glaze, I painted the mask with acrylics and pearl pigment powder. I imagine it being worn by a merfolk warrior.

The mask below was painted entirely with glazes.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Butterfly in the Garden

Took this photo of a Tiger Swallowtail checking out our flowers in the backyard.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Magic Frames and Goth Weddings

I found this via Wil Wheaton's blog and found it too funny not to share.

Hey! Where's my handsome comic book guy come to life? Then again, I mostly read Batman comics and I'm not sure I could stand the late nights and constant brooding.

Also, for my fellow Idol fans: It's a nice day for a goth wedding.